Sunday, December 7, 2008

Advantages Of Eating Dried Mango

bad winter

Ola at work:) - 30/11/2008

Models: Monica and Sandra
Makeup: Paul
Help bekstejdzowa: Hubert
Images, processing, styling: me

was supposed to be winter, snow, white .. A few days before the session all melted, posilkowalismy August so what we had available to ... ;]

We started at 9 o'clock at my house - I have received a model of the bus, went into the store, in the meantime I came up artist - Paul. Then
painting, debating over a hundred topics at a time ...

... preparation and a little way!
bus with changes and other hits, the way in grocery shopping (I like it I forgot to eat breakfast ...), freezing, warm ...

.. and the effects are already visible here first - such small "before and after" (I recommend clicking to zoom in):

and a few others:

More from this and other sessions, as always, on the web . - welcome!