Participation in training Artem Melnik!
Today is Monday 13 December 2010 The time was 2:28 at night. But sleep and feel like. Good mood. Peace and joy. All thanks to training Artem Melnik "How do I earn 1,000 rubles a day, reading articles on blogs." Today was the second and proved to be not a final vebinar training.
basic idea of \u200b\u200btraining is that the Internet really can bring, and 1000 rubles per day, and many more. The whole question of which way you'll get it. Complicated, time consuming and of little interest or easy, creative and exciting. Most of all I was pleased with my discovery that I know and can do, how to move the second path. Moreover, I already do, and it pays off! Now I have a strong concept and a clear understanding that success is near. I'm going on his trail, and already overtaken. Super! Thanks Artem! Indeed, he continues to roll this world and help others to join him.
Soon and very soon on my new blog will affiliate program according to which anyone can get an opportunity to get this training, believe in yourself and get thousands of opportunities to achieve their goals.
Good luck, my friends and see you soon!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tamil Wedding Card Kavidhaigal
world and we
Hello, friends! I want to share, past which failed to pass with indifference. I was very touched a note on facebook from Max Chuvashova, written on Dec. 11, 2010
"Long ago a king built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions mirrors. Absolutely all the walls, floors and ceilings of the palace were covered with mirrors. Once a dog ran into the palace. Looking around, she saw a lot of dogs around themselves. Dogs were everywhere. Being a very intelligent dog, she bared her teeth, so just in case, to protect themselves from these millions of dogs around her and scare them. All dogs bared back. She growled - they responded with a threat to her. Now the dog was sure that her life was in danger, and began to bark. She had to strain She was barking like hell, very desperate. But when she started barking, the millions of dogs, too, began to bark. And the more she barked, the more they respond to it. Morning this poor dog was found dead. And she was there alone, in the palace were just millions of mirrors. No one fought with her, did not have anyone who could fight, but she saw herself in the mirror and scared. And when she began to fight, the reflection in the mirror too entered the fray. She died in combat with millions of own reflections surrounding it. If there are no obstacles inside you, then there can be no obstacles and outward, nothing can stand in your way. That's the law. World - it's just a reflection, it is a huge mirror. "
This parable is very clearly demonstrates the law of attraction. What's inside, then outside. The dog itself had killed their fears, their aggression, their attitude towards the world.
What you give is what you get. And many people have such a same relationship to the world, as this dog. And their life is like the theater of hostilities, where you have to fight for survival, bringing with it all. But there is another model. Remember how in the cartoon about the little raccoon, this changed dramatically when he threw a stick and just smiled at her reflection. And they smile at him ... and the world has changed, and sounded wonderful song "From the smile will brighten all ...."
I wish you good morning, good day, good evening and good night! Let your heart be light, warm and cozy! Peace to your home!
Hello, friends! I want to share, past which failed to pass with indifference. I was very touched a note on facebook from Max Chuvashova, written on Dec. 11, 2010
"Long ago a king built a huge palace. It was a palace with millions mirrors. Absolutely all the walls, floors and ceilings of the palace were covered with mirrors. Once a dog ran into the palace. Looking around, she saw a lot of dogs around themselves. Dogs were everywhere. Being a very intelligent dog, she bared her teeth, so just in case, to protect themselves from these millions of dogs around her and scare them. All dogs bared back. She growled - they responded with a threat to her. Now the dog was sure that her life was in danger, and began to bark. She had to strain She was barking like hell, very desperate. But when she started barking, the millions of dogs, too, began to bark. And the more she barked, the more they respond to it. Morning this poor dog was found dead. And she was there alone, in the palace were just millions of mirrors. No one fought with her, did not have anyone who could fight, but she saw herself in the mirror and scared. And when she began to fight, the reflection in the mirror too entered the fray. She died in combat with millions of own reflections surrounding it. If there are no obstacles inside you, then there can be no obstacles and outward, nothing can stand in your way. That's the law. World - it's just a reflection, it is a huge mirror. "
This parable is very clearly demonstrates the law of attraction. What's inside, then outside. The dog itself had killed their fears, their aggression, their attitude towards the world.
What you give is what you get. And many people have such a same relationship to the world, as this dog. And their life is like the theater of hostilities, where you have to fight for survival, bringing with it all. But there is another model. Remember how in the cartoon about the little raccoon, this changed dramatically when he threw a stick and just smiled at her reflection. And they smile at him ... and the world has changed, and sounded wonderful song "From the smile will brighten all ...."
I wish you good morning, good day, good evening and good night! Let your heart be light, warm and cozy! Peace to your home!
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Hd Wallpaper 1712 X 2560
types of group insurance group insurance
types of group insurance in Poland is dominated
insurance protection. These include:
a) the provision of the death of the employee,
b) the permanent health of the insured caused the accident,
c) of the death of the nearest person, such as a spouse, parent
d) birth insured child. Sometimes
so that the employee may purchase additional for insurance contracts. Be the most popular hospital treatment, and serious illness. Are also popular options for multiscale, adapted to the establishments, which include the protection of the worker's family members. Group policies are usually a packet of insurance and all employees are covered by the same scope of coverage with the same sum insured.
Increasingly, in addition to the timely protection insurance, offered us a product contains an option of a investment, which is to help us to build capital for the future. The option of insurance capital fund allows regular saving, even small amounts, allowing for the creation of a future capital, which can be used on any chosen target.
types of group insurance in Poland is dominated
insurance protection. These include:
a) the provision of the death of the employee,
b) the permanent health of the insured caused the accident,
c) of the death of the nearest person, such as a spouse, parent
d) birth insured child. Sometimes
so that the employee may purchase additional for insurance contracts. Be the most popular hospital treatment, and serious illness. Are also popular options for multiscale, adapted to the establishments, which include the protection of the worker's family members. Group policies are usually a packet of insurance and all employees are covered by the same scope of coverage with the same sum insured.
Increasingly, in addition to the timely protection insurance, offered us a product contains an option of a investment, which is to help us to build capital for the future. The option of insurance capital fund allows regular saving, even small amounts, allowing for the creation of a future capital, which can be used on any chosen target.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Soap Notes And Plastic Surgery
«Best way to a better life»
Hi, friends ! Welcome back! I want to share news that this week starts my new website "Success to us." It is dedicated to people looking and wishing her luck! On it I will share your thoughts and practical experience in creating harmony in three areas of life:
Area One: Mental and Spiritual! It about how to live in harmony with him and his family, colleagues and others.
Area Two: Physical! In it the philosophy and practice of healthy life . We are very much aware and very few do. This is mainly out of laziness and disorganization. How win these tough-looking obstacles?
Area Three: Material! It about how to learn and start earning , preserve and multiply their personal finances. Where can I learn how to make money and how to get rich? "I'll try to give exhaustive answers to these and many other important issues. I would be very happy if someone does bring practical help! I'll be happy when, thanks to this site I will have more more good, reliable and loyal friends!
And now I want to give our readers liked me and motivational appeal Feylla Don and Nancy Feylla to potential partners in our team:
«Best way to a better life»
We can give you money, but can not make a wish.
We can show you what to do, but we can not do it for you.
We can show you how our system works and what wonderful opportunities it presents, but we can not give you the will power, which will be needed,
to achieve their goals.
We can tell you about those who have already succeeded,
but we can not do the same for you.
You must make it yourself!
to change their lives for the better, you should start doing it.
And if not now, when?
I am sure that after reading these lines, many of you zacheshutsya hands and will be a huge desire ACT!
with respect and expectation of a new meeting, Sergey Pillars
Hi, friends ! Welcome back! I want to share news that this week starts my new website "Success to us." It is dedicated to people looking and wishing her luck! On it I will share your thoughts and practical experience in creating harmony in three areas of life:
Area One: Mental and Spiritual! It about how to live in harmony with him and his family, colleagues and others.
Area Two: Physical! In it the philosophy and practice of healthy life . We are very much aware and very few do. This is mainly out of laziness and disorganization. How win these tough-looking obstacles?
Area Three: Material! It about how to learn and start earning , preserve and multiply their personal finances. Where can I learn how to make money and how to get rich? "I'll try to give exhaustive answers to these and many other important issues. I would be very happy if someone does bring practical help! I'll be happy when, thanks to this site I will have more more good, reliable and loyal friends!
And now I want to give our readers liked me and motivational appeal Feylla Don and Nancy Feylla to potential partners in our team:
«Best way to a better life»
We can give you money, but can not make a wish.
We can show you what to do, but we can not do it for you.
We can show you how our system works and what wonderful opportunities it presents, but we can not give you the will power, which will be needed,
to achieve their goals.
We can tell you about those who have already succeeded,
but we can not do the same for you.
You must make it yourself!
to change their lives for the better, you should start doing it.
And if not now, when?
I am sure that after reading these lines, many of you zacheshutsya hands and will be a huge desire ACT!
with respect and expectation of a new meeting, Sergey Pillars
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sample Letter To Clients Moving Salons
Five lessons relation to the world
Good day friends! I very much want to share important lessons for me, I've encountered in a chat students ISIF, are constantly exchanging ideas and mutual help promote websites. I was pleased this atmosphere of unity, compassion, care and support. This is so cool that it is in our team. How would like that that were the case in all spheres of our lives.
1 - First important lesson - Cleaner.
During my second month in college, our professor gave us a quiz. I
was a conscientious student and reading the questions answered at all, they
not represent nothing complicated, until I read the last:
"as the name of the woman who cleans the school?"
course, this was some kind of joke. I saw cleaning woman several times. She
was tall, with dark hair and looking about 50 years, but I do not know how it
After the test I gave work, resulting in a final question was
empty. The class also graduated with a contest, and one student asked: "Will
counted Last question, will affect whether he evaluation of all the quiz?
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All
are essential. They deserve your attention and care, even if
all you do is smile and say hello.
I never never forgot that lesson. I also learned that the name of the janitor was - Dorothy.
2. The second important lesson - the handling in the rain.
One night, at 11:30 pm, an elderly African-American woman was standing on
side of the highway in Alabama, trying to withstand the heavy rain. Her car
broke down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided
to pull the plug, stopping the next car. A young white man
stopped to help her: as a rule, an unheard-of situation, these
filled with conflicts of the 1960's. The man took her to a safe
place helped her get assistance and put him in a taxi.
She is in a hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked. After seven days in
door of the young man knocked. To his surprise, a giant color
TV and the console was delivered to his home. He paid special attention
affixed message, it said:
"Thank you very much for helping me on the highway, drenched with rain. The rain poured not
only my clothes but my spirits. Then came you. With your help I
able to meet a patient's bed and her husband to stay with him until his death.
God bless you for the help me and selfless service to others ".
Mrs. Nat King Cole
3 - The third important lesson - Always remember those who serve you.
In the days when ice cream with fruit is much cheaper, 10-year-old
entered the cafe and sat at the table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
"How much does ice cream with fruit?" he asked.
"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.
boy pulled his hand from his pocket and counted coins.
"Well, how much is a simple ice cream?" he asked.
At this time, more people are waiting for a vacant table and the waitress started
"Thirty-five cents," she answered sharply.
boy again counted the coins.
"I will have a simple ice cream" he said.
The waitress brought the bill, ice cream, put it on the table and left. Boy
finished with ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back,
she cried, wiping the table. There, beside the empty dish gently, as were 15
cents on tea.
you see him could not be sundae, because he
should have been enough, which left to leave her
4 - The fourth important lesson. - Obstacles in our way.
It was in ancient times. King specifically left the boulder on the highway. Then he
hid himself and watched to see if anyone removes any huge rock.
Some of the wealthiest merchants and courtiers, the king passed and just
walked around this huge rock. Many loudly blamed the King for bad
road. King has not left his hiding place, where continued to watch for
passers-by. Nobody did anything to clean it up. And on the highway passed
farmer, carrying cargo of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant resigned
burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After a long
attempts and tension, his efforts finally succeeded. After
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, seeing the purse, which lay on the road,
where before was a boulder. In the purse was a lot of gold coins and a note from the King
that the gold was for the person who will remove the boulder from a highway.
The peasant learned what many of us have never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
5 - The fifth important lesson - when something happens to us whether we can we are on someone
Many years ago when I worked as a volunteer at the hospital, I
met a little girl named Liz, who suffers from a rare and
severe illness. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion
blood from her 5-year brother, who had miraculously survived, aching with the same disease. In
it developed a better antibody, which participated in the fight against the disease.
The doctor explained situation of its little brother, and asked the little boy,
if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw that he hesitated to
for some time before a deep breath and say:
"Yes, I'll do it if it would save her."
When a blood transfusion was successfully, he smiled, lying on the bed next to
it. He saw a glow returned to her cheeks. Then his face turned pale,
and his smile disappeared:
"Will I die soon?"
As a little boy did not understand the doctor, he thought he would have to give up his
blood sister to save her.
I sincerely wish you a reciprocity of care and love of neighbor. Good luck and see you soon!
1 - First important lesson - Cleaner.
During my second month in college, our professor gave us a quiz. I
was a conscientious student and reading the questions answered at all, they
not represent nothing complicated, until I read the last:
"as the name of the woman who cleans the school?"
course, this was some kind of joke. I saw cleaning woman several times. She
was tall, with dark hair and looking about 50 years, but I do not know how it
After the test I gave work, resulting in a final question was
empty. The class also graduated with a contest, and one student asked: "Will
counted Last question, will affect whether he evaluation of all the quiz?
"Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you will meet many people. All
are essential. They deserve your attention and care, even if
all you do is smile and say hello.
I never never forgot that lesson. I also learned that the name of the janitor was - Dorothy.
2. The second important lesson - the handling in the rain.
One night, at 11:30 pm, an elderly African-American woman was standing on
side of the highway in Alabama, trying to withstand the heavy rain. Her car
broke down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided
to pull the plug, stopping the next car. A young white man
stopped to help her: as a rule, an unheard-of situation, these
filled with conflicts of the 1960's. The man took her to a safe
place helped her get assistance and put him in a taxi.
She is in a hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked. After seven days in
door of the young man knocked. To his surprise, a giant color
TV and the console was delivered to his home. He paid special attention
affixed message, it said:
"Thank you very much for helping me on the highway, drenched with rain. The rain poured not
only my clothes but my spirits. Then came you. With your help I
able to meet a patient's bed and her husband to stay with him until his death.
God bless you for the help me and selfless service to others ".
Mrs. Nat King Cole
3 - The third important lesson - Always remember those who serve you.
In the days when ice cream with fruit is much cheaper, 10-year-old
entered the cafe and sat at the table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
"How much does ice cream with fruit?" he asked.
"Fifty cents," replied the waitress.
boy pulled his hand from his pocket and counted coins.
"Well, how much is a simple ice cream?" he asked.
At this time, more people are waiting for a vacant table and the waitress started
"Thirty-five cents," she answered sharply.
boy again counted the coins.
"I will have a simple ice cream" he said.
The waitress brought the bill, ice cream, put it on the table and left. Boy
finished with ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back,
she cried, wiping the table. There, beside the empty dish gently, as were 15
cents on tea.
you see him could not be sundae, because he
should have been enough, which left to leave her
4 - The fourth important lesson. - Obstacles in our way.
It was in ancient times. King specifically left the boulder on the highway. Then he
hid himself and watched to see if anyone removes any huge rock.
Some of the wealthiest merchants and courtiers, the king passed and just
walked around this huge rock. Many loudly blamed the King for bad
road. King has not left his hiding place, where continued to watch for
passers-by. Nobody did anything to clean it up. And on the highway passed
farmer, carrying cargo of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant resigned
burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After a long
attempts and tension, his efforts finally succeeded. After
peasant picked up his load of vegetables, seeing the purse, which lay on the road,
where before was a boulder. In the purse was a lot of gold coins and a note from the King
that the gold was for the person who will remove the boulder from a highway.
The peasant learned what many of us have never understand!
Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.
5 - The fifth important lesson - when something happens to us whether we can we are on someone
Many years ago when I worked as a volunteer at the hospital, I
met a little girl named Liz, who suffers from a rare and
severe illness. Her only chance for recovery was a transfusion
blood from her 5-year brother, who had miraculously survived, aching with the same disease. In
it developed a better antibody, which participated in the fight against the disease.
The doctor explained situation of its little brother, and asked the little boy,
if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister. I saw that he hesitated to
for some time before a deep breath and say:
"Yes, I'll do it if it would save her."
When a blood transfusion was successfully, he smiled, lying on the bed next to
it. He saw a glow returned to her cheeks. Then his face turned pale,
and his smile disappeared:
"Will I die soon?"
As a little boy did not understand the doctor, he thought he would have to give up his
blood sister to save her.
I sincerely wish you a reciprocity of care and love of neighbor. Good luck and see you soon!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Linsey Dawn Mckenzie At 16
«Contribution to the Future"
Hello, friends! That completes the task competition year . It is simple and is to open a deposit account in a bank, which will be set aside their savings or, on another, create their secure future. Our mentor Artem Melnik teaches us to think about the future, listen to the experience of famous people and act in accordance with the laws of wealth. A first law states that the wealth: Rich is only the man who constantly puts the future of a tenth of their income. That's how I am now acting appropriately. I opened a savings account at Alfa Bank, where I have my checking account, as an entrepreneur. It is very convenient and profitable for two reasons:
1. I do not pay a commission for the transfer of funds within the same bank;
2. I selected "Contribution to the Future" - is:
• - the highest percentage on deposit in Alfa-Bank;
• - guaranteed by the accumulation of funds for major investments,
• - higher investment income on a cumulative life insurance program.
Term deposit "Contribution to the Future" opens at the conclusion of a contract of life insurance. Interestingly, that the theme of life insurance just sounds in the rules of prosperity, revealed in his book "The Richest Man in Babylon".
In conclusion, I want to thank Contest organizers and all participants for their interest, persistence and tenacity. Want to wish you all success in this and the new competitions.
most important to remember that we and only we ourselves are the cause of his success. Good luck and happiness! See you in the new articles!
Hello, friends! That completes the task competition year . It is simple and is to open a deposit account in a bank, which will be set aside their savings or, on another, create their secure future. Our mentor Artem Melnik teaches us to think about the future, listen to the experience of famous people and act in accordance with the laws of wealth. A first law states that the wealth: Rich is only the man who constantly puts the future of a tenth of their income. That's how I am now acting appropriately. I opened a savings account at Alfa Bank, where I have my checking account, as an entrepreneur. It is very convenient and profitable for two reasons:
1. I do not pay a commission for the transfer of funds within the same bank;
2. I selected "Contribution to the Future" - is:
• - the highest percentage on deposit in Alfa-Bank;
• - guaranteed by the accumulation of funds for major investments,
• - higher investment income on a cumulative life insurance program.
Term deposit "Contribution to the Future" opens at the conclusion of a contract of life insurance. Interestingly, that the theme of life insurance just sounds in the rules of prosperity, revealed in his book "The Richest Man in Babylon".
In conclusion, I want to thank Contest organizers and all participants for their interest, persistence and tenacity. Want to wish you all success in this and the new competitions.
most important to remember that we and only we ourselves are the cause of his success. Good luck and happiness! See you in the new articles!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Free Bill Of Sale Form For A Car Ontario
Laws wealth
Hello, friends! I continue to participate in competition year , organized Artem Melnyk . The contest draws to a close! The number of participants is large. I am sure the best man win. Therefore, believe in yourself, it seems that it is we already have and are going strong and boldly go!
Today's job to buy a book by George Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon ". This book I had read earlier. Was very impressed, and today on my recommendation, it has already read a few of my friends. Makes me happy and their reaction was impressive. These people are changing before our eyes, change their lives and come to our team ISIF and the game Cash Flow.
An interesting incident happened today on the bus Angarsk-Irkutsk, where I was going to meet the guys and drove the game Cashflow. Settling back, I got out of the bag book "The Richest Man in Babylon" and prepared to read. My fellow traveler, a woman on the right with great interest, looked at the book and said: "It's probably something psychological?". "No" - answered I told her. And he told an outline of the book about a poor builder of chariots Benzire from Babylon, about his life, his problems in life, full of debts and liabilities, how he sought and found answers to questions related to the secrets of money management. It turns out that the rules of dressing and the laws of wealth have been formulated thousands of years ago, wealthy and successful people of ancient Babylon, the richest city on earth. This knowledge has been carefully engraved on clay tablets and deciphered by scientists today.
My fellow traveler Svetlana listened attentively to my story. After I told her about the 5 laws of wealth, she said sadly: "Ah, if we already knew about it, it might not have got into such a life situation."
turns out that she had come from afar to to see her son who is serving a sentence in prison for attempted sale of drugs. She said: "He came to the colony because of money." But after further conversation we came to the conclusion that he got there not because of money, but because of ignorance of the laws of money. He broke them all, but most of the fifth law of wealth, which read that the person who invests money in the adventurous and risky projects necessarily lose money. In this case, however, he lost yet, and freedom. But more I was pleased with all the joy in his eyes and a positive attitude to Svetlana received during the communication of information. She has recorded with great intention of the author and the book's title, recorded my phone and email address. She was very interested and pleased theme of business training and financial literacy to be disclosed our business school. For her, both for the mother, the biggest challenge to pull her son in trouble and bring it back to normal life. The guy himself has long repented and their good behavior should earn parole. Hopefully, after reading this book, he can understand their mistakes and find true path in life. Find a way to solve the financial problems of their families through the knowledge and application of laws of money.
I would highly recommend to my readers, members of my team and all the people who have not thought on the topic of money or are looking for solutions to financial problems, read this unique book and learn all the rules of money and the laws of wealth. Suppose you have received the knowledge will be for you a lifeline. And let this be a circle in the subsequent raft, boat, boating, and of course same ship your life. Believe in yourself! Change yourself! Win yourself! And you will be successful!
regards, Sincerely yours Sergey Pillars
Hello, friends! I continue to participate in competition year , organized Artem Melnyk . The contest draws to a close! The number of participants is large. I am sure the best man win. Therefore, believe in yourself, it seems that it is we already have and are going strong and boldly go!
Today's job to buy a book by George Clason "The Richest Man in Babylon ". This book I had read earlier. Was very impressed, and today on my recommendation, it has already read a few of my friends. Makes me happy and their reaction was impressive. These people are changing before our eyes, change their lives and come to our team ISIF and the game Cash Flow.
An interesting incident happened today on the bus Angarsk-Irkutsk, where I was going to meet the guys and drove the game Cashflow. Settling back, I got out of the bag book "The Richest Man in Babylon" and prepared to read. My fellow traveler, a woman on the right with great interest, looked at the book and said: "It's probably something psychological?". "No" - answered I told her. And he told an outline of the book about a poor builder of chariots Benzire from Babylon, about his life, his problems in life, full of debts and liabilities, how he sought and found answers to questions related to the secrets of money management. It turns out that the rules of dressing and the laws of wealth have been formulated thousands of years ago, wealthy and successful people of ancient Babylon, the richest city on earth. This knowledge has been carefully engraved on clay tablets and deciphered by scientists today.
My fellow traveler Svetlana listened attentively to my story. After I told her about the 5 laws of wealth, she said sadly: "Ah, if we already knew about it, it might not have got into such a life situation."
turns out that she had come from afar to to see her son who is serving a sentence in prison for attempted sale of drugs. She said: "He came to the colony because of money." But after further conversation we came to the conclusion that he got there not because of money, but because of ignorance of the laws of money. He broke them all, but most of the fifth law of wealth, which read that the person who invests money in the adventurous and risky projects necessarily lose money. In this case, however, he lost yet, and freedom. But more I was pleased with all the joy in his eyes and a positive attitude to Svetlana received during the communication of information. She has recorded with great intention of the author and the book's title, recorded my phone and email address. She was very interested and pleased theme of business training and financial literacy to be disclosed our business school. For her, both for the mother, the biggest challenge to pull her son in trouble and bring it back to normal life. The guy himself has long repented and their good behavior should earn parole. Hopefully, after reading this book, he can understand their mistakes and find true path in life. Find a way to solve the financial problems of their families through the knowledge and application of laws of money.
I would highly recommend to my readers, members of my team and all the people who have not thought on the topic of money or are looking for solutions to financial problems, read this unique book and learn all the rules of money and the laws of wealth. Suppose you have received the knowledge will be for you a lifeline. And let this be a circle in the subsequent raft, boat, boating, and of course same ship your life. Believe in yourself! Change yourself! Win yourself! And you will be successful!
regards, Sincerely yours Sergey Pillars
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Women Whipping Scene-whipping Scene Women
Pay It Forward
Hello, friends! competition year continues. And again review of the movie! The next task to watch a movie « Pay It Forward » and write an article about it, led me underwhelming. The fact that this movie with my family watched a year ago and even then the basic idea and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe movie has affected our deepest and pure soul strings. It is with great pleasure to look it up again, thinking about each episode. And here are my thoughts on the matter.
Everyone lives in his own little world, in their own reality with their own beliefs and their inherent behavior. Many used to live like everyone else. Taking care of yourself, or at best, about their loved ones. The principle of "live quietly and do not it safe" is close to many people. And this is regardless of age. Modern morals of society and strongly implanted Film, television and press the pseudo-culture, making people accustomed to someone's pain, to someone's suffering. They have, however, there is a protective shell in the form of a thick skin and the corresponding moral, allowing to pass. Do not respond to the pain and trouble, not shake hands with a stranger. Unnoticed, many people become similar to the image of Kaya from the fairy tale of The Snow Queen, with an icy heart, and alienation. And there is no point to argue. Each behaves as in his vision is the most VYZHIVATELNO. A survival - this is a whole scale. From zero, where poverty, hunger and appatiya to infinity, where has it all - wealth, recognition, freedom, happiness, enthusiasm! And today, on this scale, each has its place. And each person has two attractive forces that are pulling him in different directions. What force will have more creativity or destruction? That's the wrong way people move and do more tomorrow ...
film's protagonist, a little boy by the name of Travel, played a huge role in the lives of many people, creating a movement with each other. And quite strangers. He began to interact with the world and teach other people to do good just like that, totally unselfish and without coercion, in his heart! He, like Danko torn from his chest burning heart led the people behind him, illuminating the way for them. And people's lives changed, filled with warmth, caring, open. They became kinder and more friendly. And their vyzhivatelnost improved! This is how the example. This is how the law "That gave - yours. What saved - lost. "
me this law came into service five years ago, in time in school oratorical skill. And since my life has changed in many ways. I see positive , I see possibilities in my life come to the important and interesting people, I have something to share with other people and I do it with joy . And I will make again and again!
But life is life. And it has so same and the reverse side and the dark forces that also are not asleep, often very active. That's why the movie sad ending. Of resentment for the boy I want to cry, I want to fight and to spite these forces to do more good. Shocking footage last film, in which thousands and thousands of candles show about union people in the general grief, and general appreciation for this boy because he reopen their souls, their hearts melted and forced to see and hear each friend, had taught them to do good and return good to others.
Super film, super idea, super experience. Recommend to anyone who has not watched it. It will change Your life for the better, it will make you more able to create. Thank Artem Melnik for the excellent job for the contest. See you in future articles!
Hello, friends! competition year continues. And again review of the movie! The next task to watch a movie « Pay It Forward » and write an article about it, led me underwhelming. The fact that this movie with my family watched a year ago and even then the basic idea and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe movie has affected our deepest and pure soul strings. It is with great pleasure to look it up again, thinking about each episode. And here are my thoughts on the matter.
Everyone lives in his own little world, in their own reality with their own beliefs and their inherent behavior. Many used to live like everyone else. Taking care of yourself, or at best, about their loved ones. The principle of "live quietly and do not it safe" is close to many people. And this is regardless of age. Modern morals of society and strongly implanted Film, television and press the pseudo-culture, making people accustomed to someone's pain, to someone's suffering. They have, however, there is a protective shell in the form of a thick skin and the corresponding moral, allowing to pass. Do not respond to the pain and trouble, not shake hands with a stranger. Unnoticed, many people become similar to the image of Kaya from the fairy tale of The Snow Queen, with an icy heart, and alienation. And there is no point to argue. Each behaves as in his vision is the most VYZHIVATELNO. A survival - this is a whole scale. From zero, where poverty, hunger and appatiya to infinity, where has it all - wealth, recognition, freedom, happiness, enthusiasm! And today, on this scale, each has its place. And each person has two attractive forces that are pulling him in different directions. What force will have more creativity or destruction? That's the wrong way people move and do more tomorrow ...
film's protagonist, a little boy by the name of Travel, played a huge role in the lives of many people, creating a movement with each other. And quite strangers. He began to interact with the world and teach other people to do good just like that, totally unselfish and without coercion, in his heart! He, like Danko torn from his chest burning heart led the people behind him, illuminating the way for them. And people's lives changed, filled with warmth, caring, open. They became kinder and more friendly. And their vyzhivatelnost improved! This is how the example. This is how the law "That gave - yours. What saved - lost. "
me this law came into service five years ago, in time in school oratorical skill. And since my life has changed in many ways. I see positive , I see possibilities in my life come to the important and interesting people, I have something to share with other people and I do it with joy . And I will make again and again!
But life is life. And it has so same and the reverse side and the dark forces that also are not asleep, often very active. That's why the movie sad ending. Of resentment for the boy I want to cry, I want to fight and to spite these forces to do more good. Shocking footage last film, in which thousands and thousands of candles show about union people in the general grief, and general appreciation for this boy because he reopen their souls, their hearts melted and forced to see and hear each friend, had taught them to do good and return good to others.
Super film, super idea, super experience. Recommend to anyone who has not watched it. It will change Your life for the better, it will make you more able to create. Thank Artem Melnik for the excellent job for the contest. See you in future articles!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Confirmation Sponsor Letter Sample
map of my dreams
Here comes the finale of the first stage of the competition year ! Task, with the words Artem Melnik is very simple. And I say not only simple but also enjoyable. By conditions of the job, you need to create, to photograph and describe a map of your dreams or in dugomu "visualization boards" .
I have to say that the evaluation map we mine did the girls in the middle of summer, when a letter arrived from a site Mirpozitiva with a proposal to make visualization of their dream. We have come to be creative. Gathered a mass of material on all topics of interest to us. Take into account the wishes and desires of all members of our close-knit family. And one Saturday afternoon completely dedicated joint Family creativity. Got a good map of dreams!
amazing, but it reflected all the highlights from the day of my dreams, as described in the competition of the year. Here there is a dream house and dream car, boat and dreams, and dreams of travel and my favorite musical instruments dreams piano and saxophone. On the map Each topic is dedicated to your sector. So we took into account the wishes of Feng Shui ..
But most of all pleased that many of the scheduled starting to come true one after the other, right before our eyes. And the most enjoyable was Cruise weekend on the boat on Lake Baikal.
For cards dream has no limits. And now it will be pasted photos of Croatia, Where are we going to go with a team of ISIF, to rest and work is already next summer.
Friends, I understand that difficult to make a decision and take an important step. But for you, no one will do. After all, every one of you has a dream! And only you are responsible for what you gave her or not given the chance to come true ...
If you are ready for action and many want in life to succeed, then please go to:
Here comes the finale of the first stage of the competition year ! Task, with the words Artem Melnik is very simple. And I say not only simple but also enjoyable. By conditions of the job, you need to create, to photograph and describe a map of your dreams or in dugomu "visualization boards" .
I have to say that the evaluation map we mine did the girls in the middle of summer, when a letter arrived from a site Mirpozitiva with a proposal to make visualization of their dream. We have come to be creative. Gathered a mass of material on all topics of interest to us. Take into account the wishes and desires of all members of our close-knit family. And one Saturday afternoon completely dedicated joint Family creativity. Got a good map of dreams!
amazing, but it reflected all the highlights from the day of my dreams, as described in the competition of the year. Here there is a dream house and dream car, boat and dreams, and dreams of travel and my favorite musical instruments dreams piano and saxophone. On the map Each topic is dedicated to your sector. So we took into account the wishes of Feng Shui ..
But most of all pleased that many of the scheduled starting to come true one after the other, right before our eyes. And the most enjoyable was Cruise weekend on the boat on Lake Baikal.
For cards dream has no limits. And now it will be pasted photos of Croatia, Where are we going to go with a team of ISIF, to rest and work is already next summer.
Friends, I understand that difficult to make a decision and take an important step. But for you, no one will do. After all, every one of you has a dream! And only you are responsible for what you gave her or not given the chance to come true ...
If you are ready for action and many want in life to succeed, then please go to:
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Estimating And Costingshipping Dry Docking
Secrets of the movie "Groundhog Day"
Friends, Hello! Today I do a new job competition, the our mentor Artem Melnik . Quest contest is to write a post with your thoughts and impressions from the show movie Groundhog Day! I must admit, I was pleased with the job, unnecessarily long love this movie, its actors and a very original idea. However, the very interpretation of the assignment made take a fresh look at a familiar story. This film is about a successful TV reporter, pet audience, which in reality is a spoiled attention and the recognition of rights. The biggest in the life of love for him is himself. It requires the person to his enormous attention, respect and exclusivity. However, relation to other people behaving like a diva, with sarcasm and disdain. Easily and without special reasons may offend anyone and every now and then, throwing different disrespectful things. In my opinion this guy just does not understand that the law of attraction, he can, and should receive from the universe of all that he exudes, and what deserves to answer for these deeds.
And as punishment for his arrogance, one morning he woke up in yesterday's bottom. And it was repeated again. And again. And again. All the same day he experienced again and again. The same events happened with him and with others. With the second the day he was in terrible disarray, nervous and psyched .. Trying to find help from doctors and psychologists. But all in vain. Hard to all the same did not occur.
Tired of repeating it became fun, meet women, to exploit opportunities to create different bezchinstva with impunity, steal money and recklessness, including repeated suicide.
But in the end and it bothered him. He was overcome by a passionate desire to all change. And one day he tried to tell all my co-worker on the sets of Rita that happened to him and begged and begged her to believe him and help get out of this situation. Too implausible seemed to her story and a very large was his wish that it all helped. In the other I would call this way: He generated a very strong incoming directed to the attention and care to the person. Rita tried to believe and enter into his position. But in the evening He blew it again, deciding to lure her into bed, fascinated by their attention and knowledge of her favorite dishes, poems and even toast. But Rita felt the insincerity of it. Slap. And a new day has not happened again ... And so it was a lot of time .... Of despair broken alarm clocks. Stolen and immolate the poor woodchuck. AND all useless.
During his long life in the same day and there was good. He saw in Rita's sweet and dear person. And it is very wanted to do everything to please her. I was very touched by his words: "I do not deserve it. But if I could you earn, how I loved you. " It sounded, like a dream and a challenge to himself .... It was after this much has changed. Our hero as if switched. He became more and more to think about other people, to help the elderly, giving alms, very warm and cordial attitude towards colleagues. And most importantly, he did not anybody ask for help, and decided to get out independently. He engaged in creation, made a bunch of good deeds, has mastered the carving on the ice, has become a first-class musician, it was easy, light and welcoming. Became man upstream. According to the world of law, the incoming stream creates an incoming flow and outgoing flow produces the output stream. This film is vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of the law. And our hero, emitting a light, care, attention and love for people and in particular to Rita, he came to the state delight, and said a key phrase of the film "Whatever happens tomorrow, the rest of my days, I'm happy today"!
Friends, do you think it does after all this could not come tomorrow? Of course, it is now. Then came a new day, new life, and our hero has become a completely new person. And I urge you take his example, to radiate the output stream, or, to put it another way, interest and genuine concern for people. Good luck!
Friends, Hello! Today I do a new job competition, the our mentor Artem Melnik . Quest contest is to write a post with your thoughts and impressions from the show movie Groundhog Day! I must admit, I was pleased with the job, unnecessarily long love this movie, its actors and a very original idea. However, the very interpretation of the assignment made take a fresh look at a familiar story. This film is about a successful TV reporter, pet audience, which in reality is a spoiled attention and the recognition of rights. The biggest in the life of love for him is himself. It requires the person to his enormous attention, respect and exclusivity. However, relation to other people behaving like a diva, with sarcasm and disdain. Easily and without special reasons may offend anyone and every now and then, throwing different disrespectful things. In my opinion this guy just does not understand that the law of attraction, he can, and should receive from the universe of all that he exudes, and what deserves to answer for these deeds.
And as punishment for his arrogance, one morning he woke up in yesterday's bottom. And it was repeated again. And again. And again. All the same day he experienced again and again. The same events happened with him and with others. With the second the day he was in terrible disarray, nervous and psyched .. Trying to find help from doctors and psychologists. But all in vain. Hard to all the same did not occur.
Tired of repeating it became fun, meet women, to exploit opportunities to create different bezchinstva with impunity, steal money and recklessness, including repeated suicide.
But in the end and it bothered him. He was overcome by a passionate desire to all change. And one day he tried to tell all my co-worker on the sets of Rita that happened to him and begged and begged her to believe him and help get out of this situation. Too implausible seemed to her story and a very large was his wish that it all helped. In the other I would call this way: He generated a very strong incoming directed to the attention and care to the person. Rita tried to believe and enter into his position. But in the evening He blew it again, deciding to lure her into bed, fascinated by their attention and knowledge of her favorite dishes, poems and even toast. But Rita felt the insincerity of it. Slap. And a new day has not happened again ... And so it was a lot of time .... Of despair broken alarm clocks. Stolen and immolate the poor woodchuck. AND all useless.
During his long life in the same day and there was good. He saw in Rita's sweet and dear person. And it is very wanted to do everything to please her. I was very touched by his words: "I do not deserve it. But if I could you earn, how I loved you. " It sounded, like a dream and a challenge to himself .... It was after this much has changed. Our hero as if switched. He became more and more to think about other people, to help the elderly, giving alms, very warm and cordial attitude towards colleagues. And most importantly, he did not anybody ask for help, and decided to get out independently. He engaged in creation, made a bunch of good deeds, has mastered the carving on the ice, has become a first-class musician, it was easy, light and welcoming. Became man upstream. According to the world of law, the incoming stream creates an incoming flow and outgoing flow produces the output stream. This film is vivid demonstration of the effectiveness of the law. And our hero, emitting a light, care, attention and love for people and in particular to Rita, he came to the state delight, and said a key phrase of the film "Whatever happens tomorrow, the rest of my days, I'm happy today"!
Friends, do you think it does after all this could not come tomorrow? Of course, it is now. Then came a new day, new life, and our hero has become a completely new person. And I urge you take his example, to radiate the output stream, or, to put it another way, interest and genuine concern for people. Good luck!
Maxtor One Touch 300gb Drivers
from my dear parents gave me a box full of edible pumpkins today with Yahoo and Golden Butternut Hubbard. Last year I bought a few bags of seeds and some of them again exchanged for other races. My dad has this, and different types of ornamental gourds seeds sown and grown together with my brother. The children of my brother help in this well. This year there was a good harvest and next to that is given away, there are commonly sold with the proceeds is earmarked for various charities such as Mercy Ships.
of the butternut, pumpkin light right, I cooked a pot of soup.
800 grams of pumpkin cubes
200 grams of potato cubes
2 onions or leeks (white part only)-cut-
2 cloves garlic, chopped-
4 tsp curry powder
a ginger ball-squeezed into the garlic press
25 grams
butter 1 liter of water 2 chicken bouillon cubes
salt and pepper Melt the butter in a saucepan. Fry the onion / leek, along with the garlic, curry powder and ginger until soft. Add the pumpkin and potato cubes, stir well to combine, and cook another minute. Pour the water and add the bouillon cubes to: let it be with the lid on the pan at least 20 minutes. Puree the soup and season to taste with pepper and salt.
add more for a creamier soup, unbeaten some creme fraiche or heavy cream to be pureed.
Update: Add a spicy pumpkin soup for an extra half scoop of ginger and chopped red pepper.
Now I have one question: you too pumpkin pickle ? I would love the soup, when pureed, in pots and want to do like jam pickle. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how is it tenable?

from my dear parents gave me a box full of edible pumpkins today with Yahoo and Golden Butternut Hubbard. Last year I bought a few bags of seeds and some of them again exchanged for other races. My dad has this, and different types of ornamental gourds seeds sown and grown together with my brother. The children of my brother help in this well. This year there was a good harvest and next to that is given away, there are commonly sold with the proceeds is earmarked for various charities such as Mercy Ships.

of the butternut, pumpkin light right, I cooked a pot of soup.
800 grams of pumpkin cubes
200 grams of potato cubes
2 onions or leeks (white part only)-cut-
2 cloves garlic, chopped-
4 tsp curry powder
a ginger ball-squeezed into the garlic press
25 grams
butter 1 liter of water 2 chicken bouillon cubes
salt and pepper Melt the butter in a saucepan. Fry the onion / leek, along with the garlic, curry powder and ginger until soft. Add the pumpkin and potato cubes, stir well to combine, and cook another minute. Pour the water and add the bouillon cubes to: let it be with the lid on the pan at least 20 minutes. Puree the soup and season to taste with pepper and salt.
add more for a creamier soup, unbeaten some creme fraiche or heavy cream to be pureed.
Update: Add a spicy pumpkin soup for an extra half scoop of ginger and chopped red pepper.
Now I have one question: you too pumpkin pickle ? I would love the soup, when pureed, in pots and want to do like jam pickle. Does anyone know if this is possible and if so, how is it tenable?
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Milena Velba Without Trouthers
The third row is the bag 'Malena'. The same model as Lova "and" Susanna . The fabric reminds me of the seventies. I guess nostalgia but I love it.
This one is for sale.

The third row is the bag 'Malena'. The same model as Lova "and" Susanna . The fabric reminds me of the seventies. I guess nostalgia but I love it.
This one is for sale.
Colour: ecru / multi color
Size: 52 inches wide and 32 cm high (excluding strap)
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 60 ° C
Price: SOLD
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 60 ° C
Price: SOLD
leave if you're interested, a comment including email address and I will contact you.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Antenna Satellite Second
This is the second bag that I offer. It is the same as the previous model ( Lova), but performed in a retro fabric.
it's a sturdy padded bag, very spacious, big enough for all your essential items for the move, and unique!
The bag has an inside pocket and is fully finished neatly.

This is the second bag that I offer. It is the same as the previous model ( Lova), but performed in a retro fabric.
it's a sturdy padded bag, very spacious, big enough for all your essential items for the move, and unique!
The bag has an inside pocket and is fully finished neatly.
Colour: ecru / multi color
Size: 52 inches wide and 32 cm high (excluding strap)
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 60 ° C
Price: SOLD
leave if you're interested, a comment including email address and I will contact you.
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 60 ° C
Price: SOLD
leave if you're interested, a comment including email address and I will contact you.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Communication Boardstrokeprintable
All true! Or the whole truth about the rat race!
Good afternoon, my dear reader! Today is an interesting day! Today, our mentor Artem Melnik announced start of the second stage of the contest, the ! And the theme of the second Contest: How quickly get out of rat race and become a free and independent? Classroom theme! Just the name is already spurring to action. And what such a rat race? Previously, we specifically have not thought about it and thought that, in principle, it is life. And once we did it ourselves represented, it is in reality was that! Here is my brief story about the "life" ...
My labor biography began in dekabre1986 year. After the service in Soviet Army, I immediately came to the Angarsk Electromechanical Plant and settled turner electric cars. Shift work, week the first week of the second. He lived with his parents and immediately went to the SWC. Built a house. 8 hours on a construction site from 8 to 17 and evening of 4 hours on a construction site from 18 to 22 hours daily. The guy I'm not frail. That's me and entrusted the work with a jackhammer, the walls and floors of a hole punch for ventilation and a pipe. In general, for a day so be tired with running about with the gavel pounds for 15 meters and with a hose at 40. Here's to the night, barely crawl to the kitchen with a spoon in his mouth at the table to sleep! And not going anywhere. This work, everywhere discipline. Time should come on time and leave. But the result was worth it. Exactly 18 months of work, I got her first new studio apartment in which we are to lay the floor and inserted into the window, plastered and painted and lovingly glued and smooths out each sheet of wallpaper. In general, good luck be in the right place at the right time. Thanks to my elders, invited to the SWC. Then again
plant, shift work, not unbending, advances, payday, a keen eye permanent chief. Fate led her hand, sending good luck and success. And thanks to her and her perseverance, efficiency and accountability, I moved up the career ladder. Head of Design Office, Deputy beg. dressed, head of department, store manager, General Director of Irkutsk company.
Many, if little-know, but it was a way in 22 years. 1922 employment, work at his uncle. 1922 running in circles - Work, home, from pay to pay. We were young and never had any thoughts about the accumulation of money on ensuring their old age, with the full freedom and financial independence. On the contrary it was a lot of desires that must be implemented here and now. Have a good car, good repair, furniture, stuff, accessories and travel. And even though we knew the measure, but their 45 years I have had 2 loans with a total payment of more than 500,000 rubles, not counting interest, and pretty podnakopit debt on utility payments and small obligations (payment for the garage, for giving, and to business partners). And in fact already accustomed to this picture. Used to live in a constant flexed, under constant stress and hope for a brighter tomorrow. But nature is a fighter forced to seek a solution in search of new employment and entrepreneurial path. So in parallel with the main work year worked for the entrepreneur. And here began to appear and show of force and a great desire to change everything. Climbed into books biznesu in tehnologiyam ego amendments, tehnologiyam success.
God, how grateful it, chto our boarding site in Mir positive, chto met with its creators and their team. These cool guys give the world an endless and immeasurable in scope and power flow positive. Moreover, they are building Business on the Internet. This is a business of a new generation capable of leading all comers and acting towards your goals and financial freedom. I was sucked into this business. I fell in love with these people. I am very close to their goal, the foundations of and attitude towards life and people. I climbed into his head education, training and began to build their business with the team ISIF (International School of Investment and Finance).
And here are my results:
1. I finished the task first lessons, and made analysis of their current financial status.
2. Did an analysis of assets and liabilities and assess their impact on my life and my family,
3. I saw a lot of mistakes, I realized that until that time was moving in the wrong direction and made mistakes. Do not appreciated and not loved money. I had never studied free money.
And here's my solution:
1. Enough to run around like a rat. I'm changing my life.
2. I took the decision to dismiss. And since August 24 I'm free!
3. I have decided to part with all debts and start life without debts, but with good income and good savings and investment in the future, as taught by our school!
4. On 30 August, I do not have a car. But I and almost have no debt. I closed almost all their loans and obligations. However, for this still had to sell and giving. This was also the discovery that the problem is not fit into our map of dreams and is just a liability.
5. I'm going to build assets and multiple sources of income.
6. I will deal with investment and philanthropy.
So, from September 1, started my new life. And let there no cars, but I firmly believe that it will appear very soon. Because now I know how and what I would do. I drew the map of dreams, a plan for success and with confidence rushed into battle. And here they are the first results. There were orders and payment. Filled the schedule of service for 2 months in advance. Have a real input stream of orders.
in my life day after day, including new people, new ideas and new opportunities.
Now I know how to get from the rat race. This school teaches and our mentors who invest in us the knowledge and skills. And it's cool.
me with a huge joy and faith in the success of the support my family and friends. And it inspires and invigorates. With his wife, Natasha, we know how to allocate our family budget. We are in the computer compiled a table of income and expenditure. We have optimized all of its costs. Excluding all costs, without which it is quite possible to do. I will not burden letter from the table, but, in general, the picture looks like this:
Total income from business: from 80000 USD / month
renting Garage for rent for 4-6 months of 2400 rubles / mess
Total income: £ 82,400 per month
; Costs:
1. Utilities payments from 10000 rub. ; 12,3%
2. The cost of educating a child from 5000 руб. 6,06 %
3. Затраты на обучение в ISIF от 3000 руб. 3,03 %
4. Затраты на продукты от 12000 руб. 14,56 %
5. Возврат остатка долга от 10000 руб. 12,3 %
6. Отчисления to charity from 10000 rub. 12,3%
7. Life insurance from 10000 RUR 12,3 %
8. Одежда от 10000 руб. 12,3 %
9. Культурные мероприятия от 10000 руб. 12, 3 %
10. Прочие хозяйственные нужды от 2400 руб. 2,9 %
Итого затраты: 82400 руб. 100%
And now, after these many discoveries, and after the steps taken, and after a carefully planned budget, I have a clear confidence that I am on the right path and lead your ship in the right direction. I want to wish you and your family a happy voyage! And his friends and partners exciting and eventful and financially secure life!
I will be very happy if my example will help someone make the first step to another life. Step to financial freedom.
luck, friends!!!
Good afternoon, my dear reader! Today is an interesting day! Today, our mentor Artem Melnik announced start of the second stage of the contest, the ! And the theme of the second Contest: How quickly get out of rat race and become a free and independent? Classroom theme! Just the name is already spurring to action. And what such a rat race? Previously, we specifically have not thought about it and thought that, in principle, it is life. And once we did it ourselves represented, it is in reality was that! Here is my brief story about the "life" ...
My labor biography began in dekabre1986 year. After the service in Soviet Army, I immediately came to the Angarsk Electromechanical Plant and settled turner electric cars. Shift work, week the first week of the second. He lived with his parents and immediately went to the SWC. Built a house. 8 hours on a construction site from 8 to 17 and evening of 4 hours on a construction site from 18 to 22 hours daily. The guy I'm not frail. That's me and entrusted the work with a jackhammer, the walls and floors of a hole punch for ventilation and a pipe. In general, for a day so be tired with running about with the gavel pounds for 15 meters and with a hose at 40. Here's to the night, barely crawl to the kitchen with a spoon in his mouth at the table to sleep! And not going anywhere. This work, everywhere discipline. Time should come on time and leave. But the result was worth it. Exactly 18 months of work, I got her first new studio apartment in which we are to lay the floor and inserted into the window, plastered and painted and lovingly glued and smooths out each sheet of wallpaper. In general, good luck be in the right place at the right time. Thanks to my elders, invited to the SWC. Then again
plant, shift work, not unbending, advances, payday, a keen eye permanent chief. Fate led her hand, sending good luck and success. And thanks to her and her perseverance, efficiency and accountability, I moved up the career ladder. Head of Design Office, Deputy beg. dressed, head of department, store manager, General Director of Irkutsk company.
Many, if little-know, but it was a way in 22 years. 1922 employment, work at his uncle. 1922 running in circles - Work, home, from pay to pay. We were young and never had any thoughts about the accumulation of money on ensuring their old age, with the full freedom and financial independence. On the contrary it was a lot of desires that must be implemented here and now. Have a good car, good repair, furniture, stuff, accessories and travel. And even though we knew the measure, but their 45 years I have had 2 loans with a total payment of more than 500,000 rubles, not counting interest, and pretty podnakopit debt on utility payments and small obligations (payment for the garage, for giving, and to business partners). And in fact already accustomed to this picture. Used to live in a constant flexed, under constant stress and hope for a brighter tomorrow. But nature is a fighter forced to seek a solution in search of new employment and entrepreneurial path. So in parallel with the main work year worked for the entrepreneur. And here began to appear and show of force and a great desire to change everything. Climbed into books biznesu in tehnologiyam ego amendments, tehnologiyam success.
God, how grateful it, chto our boarding site in Mir positive, chto met with its creators and their team. These cool guys give the world an endless and immeasurable in scope and power flow positive. Moreover, they are building Business on the Internet. This is a business of a new generation capable of leading all comers and acting towards your goals and financial freedom. I was sucked into this business. I fell in love with these people. I am very close to their goal, the foundations of and attitude towards life and people. I climbed into his head education, training and began to build their business with the team ISIF (International School of Investment and Finance).
And here are my results:
1. I finished the task first lessons, and made analysis of their current financial status.
2. Did an analysis of assets and liabilities and assess their impact on my life and my family,
3. I saw a lot of mistakes, I realized that until that time was moving in the wrong direction and made mistakes. Do not appreciated and not loved money. I had never studied free money.
And here's my solution:
1. Enough to run around like a rat. I'm changing my life.
2. I took the decision to dismiss. And since August 24 I'm free!
3. I have decided to part with all debts and start life without debts, but with good income and good savings and investment in the future, as taught by our school!
4. On 30 August, I do not have a car. But I and almost have no debt. I closed almost all their loans and obligations. However, for this still had to sell and giving. This was also the discovery that the problem is not fit into our map of dreams and is just a liability.
5. I'm going to build assets and multiple sources of income.
6. I will deal with investment and philanthropy.
So, from September 1, started my new life. And let there no cars, but I firmly believe that it will appear very soon. Because now I know how and what I would do. I drew the map of dreams, a plan for success and with confidence rushed into battle. And here they are the first results. There were orders and payment. Filled the schedule of service for 2 months in advance. Have a real input stream of orders.
in my life day after day, including new people, new ideas and new opportunities.
Now I know how to get from the rat race. This school teaches and our mentors who invest in us the knowledge and skills. And it's cool.
me with a huge joy and faith in the success of the support my family and friends. And it inspires and invigorates. With his wife, Natasha, we know how to allocate our family budget. We are in the computer compiled a table of income and expenditure. We have optimized all of its costs. Excluding all costs, without which it is quite possible to do. I will not burden letter from the table, but, in general, the picture looks like this:
Total income from business: from 80000 USD / month
renting Garage for rent for 4-6 months of 2400 rubles / mess
Total income: £ 82,400 per month
; Costs:
1. Utilities payments from 10000 rub. ; 12,3%
2. The cost of educating a child from 5000 руб. 6,06 %
3. Затраты на обучение в ISIF от 3000 руб. 3,03 %
4. Затраты на продукты от 12000 руб. 14,56 %
5. Возврат остатка долга от 10000 руб. 12,3 %
6. Отчисления to charity from 10000 rub. 12,3%
7. Life insurance from 10000 RUR 12,3 %
8. Одежда от 10000 руб. 12,3 %
9. Культурные мероприятия от 10000 руб. 12, 3 %
10. Прочие хозяйственные нужды от 2400 руб. 2,9 %
Итого затраты: 82400 руб. 100%
And now, after these many discoveries, and after the steps taken, and after a carefully planned budget, I have a clear confidence that I am on the right path and lead your ship in the right direction. I want to wish you and your family a happy voyage! And his friends and partners exciting and eventful and financially secure life!
I will be very happy if my example will help someone make the first step to another life. Step to financial freedom.
luck, friends!!!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
When A Dog Is Throwing Up Yellow Mucus
What I'm up to now, as far as I can remember, have not talked about on this blog is another hobby of mine: sewing. Clothes for my children, for myself, but such covers for chairs.
In recent years there has really come into the rough, so much so that I have all the materials I had in stock, pattern sheet and blank ammunition but have sold my sewing machine and serger had parked in the attic.
Until recently, because after a few visits to a number of very cute and inspiring blogs like this and this, I again completely suits. Although I do not really have time for, since early this year I'm working again a few days a week outside, I climbed to the attic and my machine out of the dust removed.
Motes and patterns bought and went to work ... with this result.
Here on my blog, I offer them for sale.

What I'm up to now, as far as I can remember, have not talked about on this blog is another hobby of mine: sewing. Clothes for my children, for myself, but such covers for chairs.
In recent years there has really come into the rough, so much so that I have all the materials I had in stock, pattern sheet and blank ammunition but have sold my sewing machine and serger had parked in the attic.
Until recently, because after a few visits to a number of very cute and inspiring blogs like this and this, I again completely suits. Although I do not really have time for, since early this year I'm working again a few days a week outside, I climbed to the attic and my machine out of the dust removed.
Motes and patterns bought and went to work ... with this result.
Here on my blog, I offer them for sale.
This sturdy padded bag is very spacious, big enough for all your essential items for the move, and (not unimportant) is unique!
Colour: off white / gray
Size: 52 inches wide and 32 cm high (excluding strap)
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 40 ° C
Price: SOLD
leave if you're interested, a comment including email address and I will contact you.

This sturdy padded bag is very spacious, big enough for all your essential items for the move, and (not unimportant) is unique!

Colour: off white / gray
Size: 52 inches wide and 32 cm high (excluding strap)
Pattern: IThinkSew
Washable at 40 ° C
Price: SOLD
leave if you're interested, a comment including email address and I will contact you.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hintergrundbild Boston Terrier
live or exist?
My friends, ; today in during morning workouts in my head, completely by chance, came lyrics Alla Pugacheva "Live, burn and do not fade away, to live and not exist ..." God, how I "Vshtorilo" (I apologize for slang) of those words. This was also tormented me the answer to the question of why people are inactive and why they were adrift and not want to change something in my life, though it does not suit a lot. That's what yesterday was a heated discussion on the blog Natalia Botnevoy about her article, "Why do people do not understand the essence of business in ISIF? ". Yesterday, I also left your comment there, because it supports the vision of Natalia on whether to forcibly pull people to happiness? Love can not be forced. And many people relaxed not to change anything and be a consequence of many of life's circumstances. But I'm sure that people are different among They are those who want to be the cause of everything that happens to them in life, and they are willing to be responsible for its success or failure. There are also people who can not take responsibility for their fate. And you know what the word "responsibility"? Interestingly, this word in Russian dictionaries value interpreted like this: take the blame or the answer for any actions made by man and as a result of which ... In general, horror, and the creeps. Who wants to shoulder the blame, or the answer for any action? That's "our" interpretation has led to the fact that people do not want either to act or be held accountable. Nothing not to do and go with the flow easier and safer. More interestingly, that the English interpretation of the phrase "bear responsibility" refers to be the cause of some action or anything going on. Agree that it is a different motivation. And maybe because of it, but rather because of this our English brothers have long been the cause of their success and good luck. With these thoughts I have come to the office, turned on my favorite site is "in contact", music and a couple of minutes my office is filled with the sounds of the song "Live, burn and fade away ..." It rang in the new version is powerful and very vigorously. I listened to the words and each is the power in each line makes sense. Ah, yes lad Allah! And they confirmed my thoughts. There are people for whom this life is difficult and there are lots of excuses and explanations of what to change something is impossible. And there are other people. Let's call them "Other" for them SIMPLE! The main thing to be able to dream, set goals. create plans and implement them, no matter what. That this is the buzz. This is happiness! And it is inherent to most members of ISIF. And working in a team is simple, nice and interesting!
What do you think is meant by happiness? What is happiness to you? I propose to talk about it in the next article.
Especially for you, dear readers place the verse Alla Pugacheva "Just"
simple - you say - everything in life is simple,
simply be regarded as already open stars
But one, so his star is not just open,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, Yeah! Aha!
Just in the shadow is always and everywhere hold on.
Just get on a plane and go up into the sky,
But fly over the bustle, because sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, simple, Aha!
over the road dust - star trek,
need only open the wings,
and fly over the former, over a,
ignite a new star.
live! Burn and fade away, to live, not exist!
But, however, already getting light ... The stars also are melting, melting ...
Just to be with someone very much like
Just from year to year we sing the same
But keep your voice, so sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy. Aha!
simply assume the entire world a simple and ordinary,
Just go is always a familiar route.
But to find their own ways, so sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, simple, simple, Aha!
over the road dust - star trek,
need only open the wings,
and fly over the former, over a,
ignite a new star.
live! Burn and fade away, to live, not exist!
But, however, already getting light ... The stars also are melting, melting ...
And now all for now! Highly recommend you listen to this wonderful song and think at leisure:
And you begin to change only slightly and "Fly over the bustle ..."?
Sincerely yours. Sergei Pillars
My friends, ; today in during morning workouts in my head, completely by chance, came lyrics Alla Pugacheva "Live, burn and do not fade away, to live and not exist ..." God, how I "Vshtorilo" (I apologize for slang) of those words. This was also tormented me the answer to the question of why people are inactive and why they were adrift and not want to change something in my life, though it does not suit a lot. That's what yesterday was a heated discussion on the blog Natalia Botnevoy about her article, "Why do people do not understand the essence of business in ISIF? ". Yesterday, I also left your comment there, because it supports the vision of Natalia on whether to forcibly pull people to happiness? Love can not be forced. And many people relaxed not to change anything and be a consequence of many of life's circumstances. But I'm sure that people are different among They are those who want to be the cause of everything that happens to them in life, and they are willing to be responsible for its success or failure. There are also people who can not take responsibility for their fate. And you know what the word "responsibility"? Interestingly, this word in Russian dictionaries value interpreted like this: take the blame or the answer for any actions made by man and as a result of which ... In general, horror, and the creeps. Who wants to shoulder the blame, or the answer for any action? That's "our" interpretation has led to the fact that people do not want either to act or be held accountable. Nothing not to do and go with the flow easier and safer. More interestingly, that the English interpretation of the phrase "bear responsibility" refers to be the cause of some action or anything going on. Agree that it is a different motivation. And maybe because of it, but rather because of this our English brothers have long been the cause of their success and good luck. With these thoughts I have come to the office, turned on my favorite site is "in contact", music and a couple of minutes my office is filled with the sounds of the song "Live, burn and fade away ..." It rang in the new version is powerful and very vigorously. I listened to the words and each is the power in each line makes sense. Ah, yes lad Allah! And they confirmed my thoughts. There are people for whom this life is difficult and there are lots of excuses and explanations of what to change something is impossible. And there are other people. Let's call them "Other" for them SIMPLE! The main thing to be able to dream, set goals. create plans and implement them, no matter what. That this is the buzz. This is happiness! And it is inherent to most members of ISIF. And working in a team is simple, nice and interesting!
What do you think is meant by happiness? What is happiness to you? I propose to talk about it in the next article.
Especially for you, dear readers place the verse Alla Pugacheva "Just"
simple - you say - everything in life is simple,
simply be regarded as already open stars
But one, so his star is not just open,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, Yeah! Aha!
Just in the shadow is always and everywhere hold on.
Just get on a plane and go up into the sky,
But fly over the bustle, because sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, simple, Aha!
over the road dust - star trek,
need only open the wings,
and fly over the former, over a,
ignite a new star.
live! Burn and fade away, to live, not exist!
But, however, already getting light ... The stars also are melting, melting ...
Just to be with someone very much like
Just from year to year we sing the same
But keep your voice, so sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy. Aha!
simply assume the entire world a simple and ordinary,
Just go is always a familiar route.
But to find their own ways, so sometimes not easy,
Simple, easy, easy, easy, simple, simple, Aha!
over the road dust - star trek,
need only open the wings,
and fly over the former, over a,
ignite a new star.
live! Burn and fade away, to live, not exist!
But, however, already getting light ... The stars also are melting, melting ...
And now all for now! Highly recommend you listen to this wonderful song and think at leisure:
And you begin to change only slightly and "Fly over the bustle ..."?
Sincerely yours. Sergei Pillars
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Communication Boardstrokeonline
parable about thousands of balls
Friends, today I want to share a wonderful parable about 1,000 balls in the poetic form of Sergei Viazemsky Pancheshnogo.
Deep in their Indeed, reflecting the essence of the existence of most people on the planet, but in the meantime life goes on and the clock is ticking. Listen to lesson the old man, reflecting the great wisdom!
Good luck to you and your business!
Friends, today I want to share a wonderful parable about 1,000 balls in the poetic form of Sergei Viazemsky Pancheshnogo.
Deep in their Indeed, reflecting the essence of the existence of most people on the planet, but in the meantime life goes on and the clock is ticking. Listen to lesson the old man, reflecting the great wisdom!
Tom took many my deep gratitude to his mentor and founder of site World Positives Konstantin Nikulin for kindly providing material.
I, as usual in the morning
drank strong coffee from a glass
and radio. And there
his work, voicing an opinion,
Slowly spoken old.
listened, and a minute later
I fly to the receiver pressed.
«... Imagine that his work
you give away day and night.
one work live -
From the home you're running away.
and let you even get paid a lot,
But, read Das Kapital.
For all of you are being asked strongly -
healthy, sick or tired.
Anytime can cause
without explanation.
You say: "According to our lives
All live, I'm not alone!»
And if you think about it, what is happiness?
In Friendship Or family? In an infinite
the authorities,
or love on the side?
Let me suggest an idea,
in which I understood one thing,
How to keep what we have,
Premnozhit, God what is given.
Let's calculate:
Tell me, how do we live?
to so, from one end to the other.
And how many years we type?
It turned out, on average - seven of ten,
five years to add - here it is time!
get someone without a trace,
And someone will take the surpluses.
Now take all of our years
And how much will be there for a week?
They all - Victories and sorrows,
They laugh and bitter loss!
Three nine hundred - consider further,
And how many of them have lived?
rakish, wise, valiant il.
I do not come back, it was before.
When I began to think about it,
I was fifty-five.
not help you become a poet,
To fetch more on!
Two nine hundred missing in the past.
left thousands weeks!
Bad, neutral, good Ile,
be known. How? Come check it out!
And in the office supply store,
for the remainder of his period,
I bought a lot of balls.
but thousands do not have in store.
They pour into the jar. Once a week
One pulled out from the others.
And I began to love that I have,
A fine was appreciate the success.
No more money in the world generally,
than to see how your year
Go to any limit,
And you're waiting for Doomsday! »
I listened in silence, knowing
What he tends to talk.
And I remember still,
As I sat there listening to him.
«Week walked through decreased
balls that put the bank.
But, I did not upset
At the time I just lived!
Daryl warmth to your loved ones,
I tried most of them to be.
Went to the movies, shopping,
loved, he gave himself to love.
And now the ball Last
from banks pulled their own.
But I live and it's time
God's gift to me. Believe
my listener, my account was over.
And thanks from me
For each moment, the light of day, the darkness of night,
Because I live, love!
I do not regret anything.
After all, I'm sure
live life as it should, to the end I could.
man lived, and they have!!! »
What could I say? As usual
I wanted to escape his office,
Then with your friends by force of habit
Two parties in the pool play.
But instead, and woke up
his wife,
looked into his eyes and smiled,
and dreams, though in reality.
«Get up, - I told her - we're going
with children walking in the woods for a picnic.
run away from everyone, friends, neighbors,
And there we do shish kebab!
We will spend the weekend
Far from this hassle.
And next we will be relatives,
only our children, you and me.
But before we go into the woods,
to roll, run around and joke,
Let's Shop'll pick -
I have to buy balls! »
Good luck to you and your business!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Peroxide Hair Injuries
contest, on self-development. Part 1: "Do you have a dream?".
My good friend and mentor of my mentor Konstantin Nikulin, amazing person, truly a legend and success coach Artem Melnik in his blog announced year contest for students and partners ISIF. And I'm happy to take part in it.
job first. Describe the day of your dreams. Unexpected, but damn interesting and I plunge into world of his dreams, a world of his dreams ...
Day dream
Today is a sunny morning! And it is, as always, begins with a soft and tender sound of the sea and cry seagulls! I open my eyes and realize that a new day! A day that will bring me and my family even more new, bright and positive! Here it is a new day and today again I put the flag on the world map where I will have another branch of my company. And with these thoughts I puts on a favorite t-shirt Own your life, shorts, sneakers and run out on the morning sea air. I'm running on wet beach, washed by the surf at night! Around the calm and measured. Peaceably the sun rises, filling everything with light, warmth and energy. It sounds wonderful, divine music. I feel like the Titans and ruler of the time, things and events. I will not have to hurry, no need to appoint a bunch of meetings and respect the time limit, all the while tearing due to lack of time. I'm running just for themselves to health. Because now I can afford it. I made it my daily tense, 12-14 hours a day, barely. And I see the results of its labor. And here and there rise buildings business centers, which razmeschyayutsya updated office, our customers. We are great to work with them. As a result, their business has become broader, more powerful, coherent and more profitable. By me every now and then pass shiny and stylish cars. And I see the welcoming gestures and hear the good wishes. It is the owners of these offices and business owners. All of these investors and mine, and our business partners. We respect each other's professionalism, competence and a sincere desire to help.
That's the end run. I ran up to his sunlit home, the house of my dreams. This two-story embodied in the Gothic style house with windows from floor to ceiling, gorgeous garden and a zoo with exotic animals. I go to the swimming pool with a blue shimmering water, make a few exercises for the joints and eyes. They helped me to heal on their own short-sightedness and astigmatism by training on the M, Norbekova. I jump into the water and feel the whole body of its freshness and coolness. I enjoy this moment of happiness and my whole being is filled with joy and splendor. I'm happy!
During breakfast my entire amicable and large family sitting round a big table under the open sky, and we share our plans, desires and dreams. We agree on regular routes puteshestviyi plan to meet interesting people for us. And it does not matter that these people may be in other countries and even on other continents! We decided a weekend trip to Norway on deep-sea fishing to catch themselves a golden and the mighty salmon, and if lucky, and trout. We love fishing and especially tasty seems caught his own fish, whether big or small. My wonderful and beloved wife Natalia loves to cook herself, and often indulges us Delicious. And this time, the ear and chops salmon will be magnificent.
Today I made before the deputies on a new charity project. I am a member of the board of trustees and founder of a charitable foundation. Thanks investment and philanthropic activities in our city there are no more abandoned children. All children are born and live in desirable in wealthy semyah.U We do not have orphanages and nursing homes. Elderly loved and revered. They get a solid pension and many of them to provide themselves and their families in a stable and a decent income. Among them are my parents. Tomorrow they're leaving on a trip to Europe. They are very impressed with the viewing of our photos and stories about our a recent cruise on the Mediterranean Sea and decided to see everything with my own eyes. Therefore, today we went to see him at the ranch. Helped to pack up and gave as usual admonitions. But at the same time and rode through forests and meadows on horseback. I'm on his remarkable stallion Ahalkatinskoy breed Mustang. He is young, playful, skittish and very handsome horse. Wife on her favorite mare Dauria, eldest daughter Dasha A spark on a horse. And the younger children were seated in a cart drawn by a pair bays and a coachman managed Uncle Vova and they are fun to go after us with songs and jokes and rhymes. And after riding grandmother regaled us with his trademark "Red soup" and wonderful pies.
On the way back, I sent her a comfortable and cozy Toyota Prado in our local yacht club. Today contractors have passed modifed and improved boat. It is named after the goddess of fortune. And my friends are going to make her journey. We have many friends. They are all different and live in different countries, but we have a lot in common and we are happy to meet with them in poedkah and travel. And now we have our own boat and have a wonderful team of associates. We have a nice time!
evening we spend on the beach. Fascinating picture of a yellow sunset ocean. Hundreds of cars, and many special guests strolling couples watching the sun set in the sea surface. And I took today, standing knee-deep in water and performing on his beloved saxophone amazing song The shadow of your smile. I myself have mastered the saxophone, just as he mastered the piano, just as he mastered the business in the Internet and became a free and financially independent man. I have worked out! Life is good! Cool! In my heart with joy and I habitually mentally, to the music say the words, affirmations, which have already become reality: Today is the best day of my life!
My good friend and mentor of my mentor Konstantin Nikulin, amazing person, truly a legend and success coach Artem Melnik in his blog announced year contest for students and partners ISIF. And I'm happy to take part in it.
job first. Describe the day of your dreams. Unexpected, but damn interesting and I plunge into world of his dreams, a world of his dreams ...
Day dream
Today is a sunny morning! And it is, as always, begins with a soft and tender sound of the sea and cry seagulls! I open my eyes and realize that a new day! A day that will bring me and my family even more new, bright and positive! Here it is a new day and today again I put the flag on the world map where I will have another branch of my company. And with these thoughts I puts on a favorite t-shirt Own your life, shorts, sneakers and run out on the morning sea air. I'm running on wet beach, washed by the surf at night! Around the calm and measured. Peaceably the sun rises, filling everything with light, warmth and energy. It sounds wonderful, divine music. I feel like the Titans and ruler of the time, things and events. I will not have to hurry, no need to appoint a bunch of meetings and respect the time limit, all the while tearing due to lack of time. I'm running just for themselves to health. Because now I can afford it. I made it my daily tense, 12-14 hours a day, barely. And I see the results of its labor. And here and there rise buildings business centers, which razmeschyayutsya updated office, our customers. We are great to work with them. As a result, their business has become broader, more powerful, coherent and more profitable. By me every now and then pass shiny and stylish cars. And I see the welcoming gestures and hear the good wishes. It is the owners of these offices and business owners. All of these investors and mine, and our business partners. We respect each other's professionalism, competence and a sincere desire to help.
That's the end run. I ran up to his sunlit home, the house of my dreams. This two-story embodied in the Gothic style house with windows from floor to ceiling, gorgeous garden and a zoo with exotic animals. I go to the swimming pool with a blue shimmering water, make a few exercises for the joints and eyes. They helped me to heal on their own short-sightedness and astigmatism by training on the M, Norbekova. I jump into the water and feel the whole body of its freshness and coolness. I enjoy this moment of happiness and my whole being is filled with joy and splendor. I'm happy!
During breakfast my entire amicable and large family sitting round a big table under the open sky, and we share our plans, desires and dreams. We agree on regular routes puteshestviyi plan to meet interesting people for us. And it does not matter that these people may be in other countries and even on other continents! We decided a weekend trip to Norway on deep-sea fishing to catch themselves a golden and the mighty salmon, and if lucky, and trout. We love fishing and especially tasty seems caught his own fish, whether big or small. My wonderful and beloved wife Natalia loves to cook herself, and often indulges us Delicious. And this time, the ear and chops salmon will be magnificent.
Today I made before the deputies on a new charity project. I am a member of the board of trustees and founder of a charitable foundation. Thanks investment and philanthropic activities in our city there are no more abandoned children. All children are born and live in desirable in wealthy semyah.U We do not have orphanages and nursing homes. Elderly loved and revered. They get a solid pension and many of them to provide themselves and their families in a stable and a decent income. Among them are my parents. Tomorrow they're leaving on a trip to Europe. They are very impressed with the viewing of our photos and stories about our a recent cruise on the Mediterranean Sea and decided to see everything with my own eyes. Therefore, today we went to see him at the ranch. Helped to pack up and gave as usual admonitions. But at the same time and rode through forests and meadows on horseback. I'm on his remarkable stallion Ahalkatinskoy breed Mustang. He is young, playful, skittish and very handsome horse. Wife on her favorite mare Dauria, eldest daughter Dasha A spark on a horse. And the younger children were seated in a cart drawn by a pair bays and a coachman managed Uncle Vova and they are fun to go after us with songs and jokes and rhymes. And after riding grandmother regaled us with his trademark "Red soup" and wonderful pies.
On the way back, I sent her a comfortable and cozy Toyota Prado in our local yacht club. Today contractors have passed modifed and improved boat. It is named after the goddess of fortune. And my friends are going to make her journey. We have many friends. They are all different and live in different countries, but we have a lot in common and we are happy to meet with them in poedkah and travel. And now we have our own boat and have a wonderful team of associates. We have a nice time!
evening we spend on the beach. Fascinating picture of a yellow sunset ocean. Hundreds of cars, and many special guests strolling couples watching the sun set in the sea surface. And I took today, standing knee-deep in water and performing on his beloved saxophone amazing song The shadow of your smile. I myself have mastered the saxophone, just as he mastered the piano, just as he mastered the business in the Internet and became a free and financially independent man. I have worked out! Life is good! Cool! In my heart with joy and I habitually mentally, to the music say the words, affirmations, which have already become reality: Today is the best day of my life!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
How Much To Charge For A3 Poster Design
Vivid examples of the aspirations and goals, courage and heroism!
Yesterday was a terrific day! My friends and I visited the long-range aviation regiment, which is in the area p.Sredny. This departure was devoted to the holiday open house conducted to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the Russian fleet. Surely the people of great thrust to the sky and Technology. Thousandth of a crowd surrounded the aircraft presented for viewing. Here and menacing bombers and transporters, and radar planes. It is great that they could sit, climb, take pictures, imagine yourself managing this 42-meter machine, weighing more than two zh.d.vagonov, and carrying a terrible in its power the atomic charge ...
lot of people, lots of technology, national anthem, military parade, greeting cards and gifts, placed along the entire of soldiers and brilliant and deserving officers. And I thought, who are they, these guys have rights and responsibilities to manage security of the country? As they deserve such confidence? And I realized that they could serve as a model of courage, determination and firmness in achieving these goals. They have thousands of hours classes and hundreds of hours of flying and testing of critical skills. That's an important mission entrusted to them to protect their country and firmly hold the hand on the trigger. But with whom should take an example! And with the appearance they are simple and modest and say and do everything the same way as we do. But trust them!
All these thoughts filled with pride for our Armed Force. Beautiful weather allowed many sunbathe, fly in airplanes and swim in the rain from watering a fire truck. In general, this is not forgotten!
would like to wish all the participants and organizers of success, health and new achievements in work, service and learning!
Special congratulations and thanks to our friend Nicholas Khmeleva, a former employee of the regiment for the invitation to a party and for a gift experience! Kohl real man! And I am proud of such a friend!
Yesterday was a terrific day! My friends and I visited the long-range aviation regiment, which is in the area p.Sredny. This departure was devoted to the holiday open house conducted to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the Russian fleet. Surely the people of great thrust to the sky and Technology. Thousandth of a crowd surrounded the aircraft presented for viewing. Here and menacing bombers and transporters, and radar planes. It is great that they could sit, climb, take pictures, imagine yourself managing this 42-meter machine, weighing more than two zh.d.vagonov, and carrying a terrible in its power the atomic charge ...
lot of people, lots of technology, national anthem, military parade, greeting cards and gifts, placed along the entire of soldiers and brilliant and deserving officers. And I thought, who are they, these guys have rights and responsibilities to manage security of the country? As they deserve such confidence? And I realized that they could serve as a model of courage, determination and firmness in achieving these goals. They have thousands of hours classes and hundreds of hours of flying and testing of critical skills. That's an important mission entrusted to them to protect their country and firmly hold the hand on the trigger. But with whom should take an example! And with the appearance they are simple and modest and say and do everything the same way as we do. But trust them!
All these thoughts filled with pride for our Armed Force. Beautiful weather allowed many sunbathe, fly in airplanes and swim in the rain from watering a fire truck. In general, this is not forgotten!
would like to wish all the participants and organizers of success, health and new achievements in work, service and learning!
Special congratulations and thanks to our friend Nicholas Khmeleva, a former employee of the regiment for the invitation to a party and for a gift experience! Kohl real man! And I am proud of such a friend!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Long Herpes Live In Chapstick
A little self
Later when the barn was built, we will tackle the backyard (and maybe the front yard), but as long as we have no concrete plans have there is a huge stretch of grass, just standing here and there I auditioned, the weed grows more lush and the rest are there for a lot of paving stones that serve as a pathway and patio.
It seems a bit soon to a corner to use for a vegetable garden and get some experience doing some things I've sown. So there are now 8 tomato plants (tomatoes, roma tomatoes and cherry tomatoes), 5 zucchini plants, a pepper plant, rhubarb, various herbs (lovage / maggi herb, rosemary and thyme), a number of strawberry plants and a blackcurrant bush. The zucchini plants do their best appalling and there are already several picked zucchini. The meat and roma tomatoes do hardly for their green neighbors, but the cherry disappointing. The pepper plant arising from seed purchased from a red sweet pointed pepper, is still full of green peppers. The black currant and rhubarb are I think not a good place, if the soil is not nutritious enough, and will have to move. Of the prunus I pruned last year apparently well, because this year I placed the tree full of small plums, unfortunately, not plums. The tree has a chance, but now really going out!
zucchini Many have been pickled in sour show off and stand in the pantry. It may sound crazy, but whenever I walk past it and all that jars'm standing, it gives me a lot of gratification. Besides, there are now too sour rhubarb-strawberry compote pots , black currant and cherry jelly, ingeweckte green beans, French beans and cherry ... delicious!

Later when the barn was built, we will tackle the backyard (and maybe the front yard), but as long as we have no concrete plans have there is a huge stretch of grass, just standing here and there I auditioned, the weed grows more lush and the rest are there for a lot of paving stones that serve as a pathway and patio.
It seems a bit soon to a corner to use for a vegetable garden and get some experience doing some things I've sown. So there are now 8 tomato plants (tomatoes, roma tomatoes and cherry tomatoes), 5 zucchini plants, a pepper plant, rhubarb, various herbs (lovage / maggi herb, rosemary and thyme), a number of strawberry plants and a blackcurrant bush. The zucchini plants do their best appalling and there are already several picked zucchini. The meat and roma tomatoes do hardly for their green neighbors, but the cherry disappointing. The pepper plant arising from seed purchased from a red sweet pointed pepper, is still full of green peppers. The black currant and rhubarb are I think not a good place, if the soil is not nutritious enough, and will have to move. Of the prunus I pruned last year apparently well, because this year I placed the tree full of small plums, unfortunately, not plums. The tree has a chance, but now really going out!

zucchini Many have been pickled in sour show off and stand in the pantry. It may sound crazy, but whenever I walk past it and all that jars'm standing, it gives me a lot of gratification. Besides, there are now too sour rhubarb-strawberry compote pots , black currant and cherry jelly, ingeweckte green beans, French beans and cherry ... delicious!

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Do Urine Pregnancy Tests Fail?
End of Vanitas
Yes, I made this decision. I conclude by maintaining that blog. End of fairy tales, the end of a fuck about my private life, etc. Why? Because I do not feel the need of the blog, I do not what to write, and above all do not have time to do it. However, in blogs important is consistency with what has always been with me the problems. So this is the last post. It is however possible that one day I'll be back here, I will write what u hear me, but do not count on too quickly. Goodbye ...
Yes, I made this decision. I conclude by maintaining that blog. End of fairy tales, the end of a fuck about my private life, etc. Why? Because I do not feel the need of the blog, I do not what to write, and above all do not have time to do it. However, in blogs important is consistency with what has always been with me the problems. So this is the last post. It is however possible that one day I'll be back here, I will write what u hear me, but do not count on too quickly. Goodbye ...
Monday, July 19, 2010
Timex T45581 Owners Manual
Let's go!
In all cases, maximum complexity,
approach to the problem after all a:
Desire - thousands of possibilities,
A reluctance - thousands of reasons!
Hi, Friends! Today I open my blog work , which I will share with you my discoveries, achievements and victories in business with a company ISIF. In this blog we will communicate with you, to share thoughts, ideas and impressions of past events, read books, seen movies, in general, share experiences. For my part I will put all his strength, all his life and work experience, as well as experience in dealing with different people while I adhere to its primary purpose: to help as many as possible people to become successful in the private and public life, in communion with other people become financially independent.
So, good luck! And suppose that on this path with us will be luck and success!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Dragon Ball Zbulma Boob
vanitatum, et omnia vanitas
Apparently I have not written, write it today. Immediately warn you that note will not be too optimistic, because recently I got from work, I'm tired, and it usually goes hand in hand with my elevated mad. Well, yes, work in general I like it, only that it is terribly tiring. Well this is the amount of physical work, tired man, but it is generally well paid. Besides, I like what I do and gives me a satisfaction. Thinking about the holidays this year I think mainly about whether the product is everything that I can let go at the expense of something else. By this summer waiting for me to do 6-7 pages int. to the next photo shoot for the film, driving license, Sorontar, work, etc. And I would have somewhere to go, something to explore. eh ...
vanitatum Vanitas, et omnia vanitas
Apparently I have not written, write it today. Immediately warn you that note will not be too optimistic, because recently I got from work, I'm tired, and it usually goes hand in hand with my elevated mad. Well, yes, work in general I like it, only that it is terribly tiring. Well this is the amount of physical work, tired man, but it is generally well paid. Besides, I like what I do and gives me a satisfaction. Thinking about the holidays this year I think mainly about whether the product is everything that I can let go at the expense of something else. By this summer waiting for me to do 6-7 pages int. to the next photo shoot for the film, driving license, Sorontar, work, etc. And I would have somewhere to go, something to explore. eh ...
vanitatum Vanitas, et omnia vanitas
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Trichomoniasis In Underware
Fantazjada The Movie
assembled today, I watched the scene from our movie. The quality of weak, probably because I assembled the little Kamil powerful hardware, plus the loss of quality during compression. Generally positive, everything looks good. The most sound that worries me is the poor quality, but we will do something about it. In late August, another photo session, as usual, I do not want, but you will need to give advice. It would probably be enough ... :-P
assembled today, I watched the scene from our movie. The quality of weak, probably because I assembled the little Kamil powerful hardware, plus the loss of quality during compression. Generally positive, everything looks good. The most sound that worries me is the poor quality, but we will do something about it. In late August, another photo session, as usual, I do not want, but you will need to give advice. It would probably be enough ... :-P
Monday, June 14, 2010
Soda Pop And Mouth Sores
new version of the FSA or the FSA
How mousse is a must. Maybe I'll start from what is FSA . It is Fantazjadowy Accreditation System, which was launched at the latest edition of Fantazjady. The first version proved to be quite well. Though not cared without fuck ups such as losing entries, removes the Polish characters for a few days before the event, but overall, came out pretty well. After a weekend meeting in Warsaw (I hate this town) came home with a few loose specification of the new FSA . For the average user who only sees the online form and change the look and comes a few extra fields. But it looks like every medal every knows and is also the other side. A form is really only a fraction of the system. The old version only allowed to show form, edit, create and send odprawek and a total of as much. The new version will be more extensive. Of course, design changes, adding some JavaScript, the option will certainly be an advanced control panel tags, family connections, etc. Generally, a lot of work ahead of me on this project, but as I finish it, I hope that I will be proud of it.
How mousse is a must. Maybe I'll start from what is FSA . It is Fantazjadowy Accreditation System, which was launched at the latest edition of Fantazjady. The first version proved to be quite well. Though not cared without fuck ups such as losing entries, removes the Polish characters for a few days before the event, but overall, came out pretty well. After a weekend meeting in Warsaw (I hate this town) came home with a few loose specification of the new FSA . For the average user who only sees the online form and change the look and comes a few extra fields. But it looks like every medal every knows and is also the other side. A form is really only a fraction of the system. The old version only allowed to show form, edit, create and send odprawek and a total of as much. The new version will be more extensive. Of course, design changes, adding some JavaScript, the option will certainly be an advanced control panel tags, family connections, etc. Generally, a lot of work ahead of me on this project, but as I finish it, I hope that I will be proud of it.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
For Narrow Feet Best Skates
v.2.0. DeviantArt
was night. Far on the horizon became a rider waved the flag and drove off. It was a sign. It started up. We're in the ass said to himself Slainin. He was right, did not even know how much. In the fortress there were only two thousand men armed for war, and there, behind the hill ten times as much, trained in the art of killing warriors. At dawn, everything was about to begin. Enough food stocks quietly for months, but who after that time will still be alive? Nobody. Yet no one survived the siege by these savages, especially when he leads them Al'Hazim. Only a miracle can save us, but miracles do not happen without him. Slainin stood there for a moment in the window and began to get ready. Get ready to die. Armor still looked great. Glossy, with golden ornaments, the lightest metal alloys, and at the same time harder than a rock. Without draśnięć, no dents. She looked exactly the same as at the date of the first battle. A sword, passed down from father to son, could remember the origins of the first era. After his blood running down the blade of the first invaders, and yet it was still sharp. Slainin improved once all the belts and buckles, put his sword into the sheath at his belt, he took a helmet under his arm and walked out. The sun had already aroused from his sleep and showed its first rays. In the courtyard, gathered all able to fight. Most were boys at the age of thirteen, maybe fourteen years old. Do not know the fight, but they knew that they must fight to survive. Each of them had a sword. Elders who could use a bow stood on the walls. On the green plain of the claim has already faced a catapult, trebusze, siege towers. Al'Hazima soldiers ready to fight. We could hear their laughter, their songs toting combat.
was night. Far on the horizon became a rider waved the flag and drove off. It was a sign. It started up. We're in the ass said to himself Slainin. He was right, did not even know how much. In the fortress there were only two thousand men armed for war, and there, behind the hill ten times as much, trained in the art of killing warriors. At dawn, everything was about to begin. Enough food stocks quietly for months, but who after that time will still be alive? Nobody. Yet no one survived the siege by these savages, especially when he leads them Al'Hazim. Only a miracle can save us, but miracles do not happen without him. Slainin stood there for a moment in the window and began to get ready. Get ready to die. Armor still looked great. Glossy, with golden ornaments, the lightest metal alloys, and at the same time harder than a rock. Without draśnięć, no dents. She looked exactly the same as at the date of the first battle. A sword, passed down from father to son, could remember the origins of the first era. After his blood running down the blade of the first invaders, and yet it was still sharp. Slainin improved once all the belts and buckles, put his sword into the sheath at his belt, he took a helmet under his arm and walked out. The sun had already aroused from his sleep and showed its first rays. In the courtyard, gathered all able to fight. Most were boys at the age of thirteen, maybe fourteen years old. Do not know the fight, but they knew that they must fight to survive. Each of them had a sword. Elders who could use a bow stood on the walls. On the green plain of the claim has already faced a catapult, trebusze, siege towers. Al'Hazima soldiers ready to fight. We could hear their laughter, their songs toting combat.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fever, Fatigue, Swollen Gums, Blisters On Tongue

Although I definitely said late last year to stop this blog, I would still like to show you (and maybe still happens quite often).
Since early March I could from my dining room window / garden a couple swans follow. First, their search for a comfortable spot in the bush behind our house. After making their nests. Then the mating ritual, something that wonderful to see, and the long incubation time.

Yesterday I saw for the first time the chicks, they are four, between the wings of the mother. If you look closely you can, right in the picture, a little face perception. But this afternoon they left the nest for the first time.

At a distance I along with my children, viewed and enjoyed it.

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