Thursday, June 2, 2011

Stop Cut In Mouth From Bleeding

Early birds in the AWD

Henk and I had agreed to five hours at the breakdown of land there were the trees not come up it was too early so we could not. You can park anywhere else so we decided to go Zilk and the car in the neighborhood to turn. It was misty and the sun came up. Not knowing that it was a long walk.

The sun shines in the sky.

fallow deer in the fog.

The sun rises and the ground is still missing.

The sun rises and the ground is still missing.

A deer flees and sprint over the bushes.

bird on branch

bird on branch

Ree on mountain


Damhert with new antlers.

bird on branch sinks

Damhert who sleeps.

with new deer antlers.

Suddenly a shot past the fox went so quickly that the picture is not so good.

bird on branch

Makro of plant .

Crawler Young.


dragonfly on branch

We called this little helicopter earlier.

It was very getting up early this morning. Half five but I sure have.
But you must be careful of you is no longer the barriers if you're too early. The weather was fine. A long walk with lots of beautiful pictures.
But I must bless, after seven and half hours walk, I was happy that I am back in my car Sat


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